FromTRIBUNE Photo Archives. November 15th, 1973.
ADV FOR THURSDAY AMS, NOV 15 - MAX ON MAX. Peter Max 36 years old bearded artist who spurred cosmic art forms in the 1960's, sits among some of his minute-by-minute creations in his New York studio recently. Max says that painting consume eighty five percent of his time, including such projects in the future as animating an "Alice in Wornderland" film, opening a gallery for other people's art and decorating the Allied Chemical Tower in NEw York in celebration of America. (AP wirephoto) (See AP AAA Wire story) (jvb71800 stf/dn) 1973
FromTRIBUNE Photo Archives. August 24th, 1973.
Boston, Aug.24, PETER MAX PORTRAIT OF JFK, UNVEILED. Artist Peter Max looks pensive under his 4 x 5 foot portrait of John F. Hennedy which was unveiled tonight at the Prudential Tower in Boston where it wen for an auction with bidding starting at $ 2.500 (AP WIREPHOTO) (AEM32145aem)71 #BHT-719-BS